Lorne Provincial Aircraft Maintenance, Fixed Wing aircraft

Location: Hangar 14



Airpower Canada

Airpower Canada Inc. was established in January 2023, after purchasing the assets of Dave From Aviation and Lorne Provincial Aircraft Maintenance. We are located in Hangar 14 at Red Deer Regional Airport in a newly renovated 9,000-square foot facility.

This merger has given us the ability to provide certified Continental & Lycoming engine overhauls, aircraft maintenance, and structures repair under one roof. In addition, we offer test flights and break-ins, as well as performance services, including porting, flow matching, and balancing.

Airpower Canada Inc. has a full complement of experienced and knowledgeable staff of M1/ M2 AMEs, engine machinists, and pilots to allow us to serve the general aviation industry.

For more information visit: https://airpowercanada.com/